We are excited to build a God-honoring school from the ground up!
We intend to grow as slow as needed in order to tend wisely to the foundations and culture being built. Though God may bless us as much as He pleases, and we have many hopes for the future, we will never be centered on or seek to attract families through promises of extracurricular activities or well-funded sports programs.
Our non-negotiables
The things which we must not compromise on- our non-negotiables- are in short, Christian piety and the arts of Word and Number. We seek to do this by cultivating biblical wisdom, virtue, and affections through a biblically grounded liberal arts education, physical fitness, and daily singing. The people of God are a people of the Word, we are embodied beings, and we are God's choir on earth, singing His praises. All of our school traditions, extracurricular activities, and athletic programs must support and never distract from these non-negotiables.
With that being said, we have exciting plans for the future! Explore more under the School Life section to learn about them.