Imago Dei Classical School
Who We Are:
We are a ministry of Missio Dei Fellowship assisting parents in their responsibility to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We are doing so with proven, time-tested methods within the context of a nurturing church family covenanted to one another in love and unity.
Our Commission:
As an educational ministry of the church, Imago Dei Classical School serves to cultivate biblical wisdom, virtue, and affections by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty, so that, the image of God might be restored in the student and in Christ, they are better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God forever. We aim to educate young men and women who listen carefully, think biblically, reason soundly, articulate precisely, and have a love for life-long learning. Our desire is for graduates to effectively serve God and thoughtfully engage the world with a distinct Christian worldview. In this way we prepare our students to take ownership of their unique calling as participants in the Missio Dei.
Our Name
Our name is important, we believe that we are helping form image-bearers of God. Your children are intrinsically intellectual, physical, and spiritual beings; we will honor them and honor God by treating them as such. Every member of the faculty and staff at Imago Dei Classical School will be a professing Christian living by grace under the New Covenant. As staff and faculty members, we acknowledge the fallen sin nature of the world and humbly consider ourselves to be participants in God's mission to reconcile all things to Himself.
An education meant for human beings must conform to reality. All things have been created and designed with an intended purpose, a function, or a goal. When things work or live according to their designed purpose, they flourish, and when they do not, they become distorted images of what they ought to be. A true education is a Christian education, for it acknowledges that God has made all things, that reality is objective, and that man is a created image-bearer with the capacity to understand and responsibility to conform to his Creator’s will. Without understanding the nature of man and his place in the story of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, education fails to teach humanely.
Crest and Motto
Imago Dei Classical School’s crest and motto are rich with meaning, representing our curriculum and our commission.
The seven honey bees on the crest represent the seven liberal arts; as bees work to serve the hive and the queen, so the liberal arts serve as skills to obtain knowledge of the sciences and theology "the queen of the sciences." Additionally, as honey bees work to serve the hive and their sovereign, so the school works to serve the church and its sovereign (Christ).
The four books on the crest represent the four sciences, or four bodies of knowledge (natural, human, philosophical, and theological) which mastery of the liberal arts is in service of.
The mascot: As the eagle is king of the heavens and the lion is king of the earth, so the Gryphon represents the king of heaven and earth; known as guardian and protector of the treasures of the divine, here the Gryphon protects the Christian tradition of learning the arts and sciences.
The motto: "For God and Neighbor". Love for God and neighbor is the heart of God's law. The pursuit of a classical Christian education is grounded in service to God and neighbor; as faith without works is dead, so knowledge without service is dead.